The Maritime Jobs Market and the Opportunities Available in a Candidate Driven Market

3 min

The maritime and logistics market is experiencing a period of change with a push on new technology and encouraging more sustainable and efficient shipping processes. There are a range of opportunities across a variety of fields including Engineering, Projects, HR, Sales, Marketing, Finance and Talent Acquisition.

The prime locations across the globe where the main shipping hubs are include London, India, Singapore, Hong Kong and Hamburg. It’s quite common within the shipping industry for professionals working in this space to move to a competitor when changing roles, with high numbers remaining in the industry. As a result, shipping business generally favour candidates who can demonstrate relevant industry experience, knowledge, or relevant qualifications. There is also movement internationally with many nationals from Hong Kong are either choosing not to travel due to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions and quarantine rulings, or relocating to offices in Singapore to allow them unlimited travel.

We are currently experiencing a very candidate driven market, putting working professionals in the prime position to choose from multiple job opportunities available and the power to choose which company offers the best package, culture, and development opportunities. Businesses are keen to attract talent and are offering higher salaries for both new employees and existing, especially when a counteroffer situation arises.

Historically, there has been limited flexibility within the maritime industry for remote and flexible working options. However, the market has shifted dramatically following the pandemic and while there are still roles which require onsite or office presence, there is scope for employees to request a hybrid or remote working pattern. Businesses within the industry are much more responsive to changing priorities and a greater work life balance so job flexibility has more scope than prior to the pandemic. This gives candidates and employees an advantage and opportunity to raise questions in reviews or appraisals, as well as at an interview or negotiation stage. Knowing your worth, the benefits that add most value to you as an individual is a motivator to seek out and gain the best package, salary and opportunity available to you and the value you can bring and contribute to an organisation.

Positive Outlook

After what has been a turbulent market since 2020 with the Covid-19 pandemic, the impact of Brexit and the Ukrainian crisis, the maritime and logistics market has experienced a decrease in activity and challenges shipping and operating internationally. However, there are signs the market is on an upward turn, with increased job opportunities and greater flexibility in roles going forward. A sign that the industry is moving forward, with a positive future ahead.

If you’re seeking career growth within the shipping industry and considering new opportunities in the short or long term, it’s important to know your own preferences and priorities when choosing a new role. Establish the type of company you want to be a part of, the culture that you can align to and the potential development opportunities.

It’s also important to build your own brand and knowledge to effectively demonstrate the value you can bring to an organisation. Having an active and up to date LinkedIn profile where you share consistent and regular content and engage with others in your field will help build your credibility and showcase you as a knowledgeable expert in the maritime and shipping industry. These considerations are important whether you’re in the early stages of your career, or senior level executive in a leadership or strategic role.

The workplace and jobs market has rapidly changed, and it puts candidates in a position of control and advantage when driving forward their career.

Sam Aubry is a Maritime Recruitment Specialist at CSG Talent. To discuss the maritime and shipping recruitment market in more detail, hear about potential job opportunities or gain further insight into developing a brand, please get in touch: – Sam Aubry Profile
