The Future of HVAC and What to Expect in 2016

3 min

The world is increasingly more conscientious of our energy usage and the waste emissions produced as a consequence. Hence people, governments and companies are taking steps to achieve a cleaner, greener and more sustainable future- and the HVAC market is far from excluded.

Buildings are responsible for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in the EU. [1] With heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems consuming anything from 30% to 60% of the energy in a typical commercial building, it is a great place to look to start reforming and reducing energy usage and waste emissions.

A Global Concern

Over the last 5 years, the world has seen an increasing number of energy efficiency polices. These policies vary by region and country. In China, with one of the largest HVAC markets in the world, the Chinese government has increased investment and policies to promote energy efficiency with Green Building Evaluation Labelling (GBEL), also known as “China 3-Star”, established by the Chinese Ministry of Construction.

In the Middle East, where HVAC systems are basically a necessity, Estidama and Green Building Regulations and Specifications have been implemented to steer Gulf countries towards sustainability.

The American “Building America” program, conceived by the Department of Energy, aims to reduce buildings heating and cooling costs and waste. This is alongside new SEER standards – aspiring for further HVAC efficiency. The global HVAC market is estimated to be worth $151.43 Billion by 2022, boosted by new technologies and aims.[2]

Europe at the forefront

Europe is at the forefront of energy efficiency policy. It has the most demanding building codes, performance standards, labelling, and benchmarking, as well as some of the most ambitious greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.

The EU’s main legislation addressing reducing energy consumption in buildings are the 2010 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and the 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive. These regulations state that all new buildings must meet the minimum standards and contain high-efficiency alternative energy systems. Those owned and occupied by public authorities should achieve nearly zero-energy status by the end of December 2018 and other new buildings by 2 years later.

The Ecodesign Directive and the Energy Labelling Directive are new methods for the assessment of performance for products. These will gradually lead to less efficient products being taken off the market, and certain technologies could cease to exist on the market.

The European Union requires member states to create and enforce their own policies and many countries are being proactive in this. Requirements for commercial buildings have increased under the EU regulations. Government administrations and other organisations are pushing for increased efficiency in buildings, leading building owners to renovate old buildings, including replacing and/or retrofitting existing HVAC equipment, making buildings more energy-efficient.

For example, there has also been recent legislation passed banning the use of some products such as the R22 ban, which makes it illegal to use virgin hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) such as R-22 from the 1 January 2015, when servicing and maintaining air conditioning equipment. Consequently the changes are saving end users money, create a more comfortable environment and have made the market into one that is dynamic and fast changing.

The Effect

The best HVAC suppliers are creating and manufacturing new products to keep up with, and even surpass efficient energy demands. New products require specialised skills, deeper knowledge and an increased need to stay on top of regulations and legislation.

CSG’s dedicated HVAC team are knowledgeable, proactive and consultative. They can offer you expert advice and have access to the best talent in the HVAC market. We work closely with a network of skilled, proactive candidates and conscientious clients, so please do not hesitate to speak to Dave Duggan by emailing
