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The Testing, Inspection and Certification industry has experienced huge growth in recent years and because of new technologies, the energy transition and emerging industries, the Testing, Inspection and Certification industry continues to adapt and innovate. With this, there is increased demand for senior level talent to drive forward innovation to implement effective commercial and operational growth strategies.
Our Testing, Inspection and Certification Recruitment Team often find that many of the Testing, Inspection and Certification roles they recruit for are specific to locations and often require relocation, with limited talent pools available for businesses to tap into and attract. As a result, we work closely with our Testing, Inspection and Certification clients to enhance their hiring strategy, access wider talent pools, and support with relocation packages for top Testing, Inspection and Certification talent.
As we know, with a considerable number of Testing, Inspection and Certification job opportunities, candidates may have to contemplate relocating. For many senior level professionals in the Testing, Inspection and Certification industry, considering a new opportunity in a new location is not just about the role and the company, there are many other factors to take into account such as a new home, new schools for children and having adequate resource and support to embark on a new life. Having support from a business from a financial, planning and research perspective can be extremely beneficial and takes an element of pressure away from the candidate. Having a comprehensive and attractive relocation package in place can really help businesses attract high calibre talent from a much wider talent pool of further afield locations across the globe.
In a competitive candidate market, it is crucial for businesses to deliver an effective, well-structured recruitment and interview process. Recruitment processes that lack planning and result in lengthy processes will cost businesses and they will lose out on top talent.
Businesses need to first consider the types of roles they will need to recruit, this will be part of business planning and goal setting, establishing the talent needed to drive the business forward and support growth in all areas. To keep the process streamlined, decide when roles need to start within the business and work back a timeline to establish the start of each recruitment campaign. Prior to initiating a recruitment campaign, decide who will be involved at each stage of the process, what the format will involve and the duration of each stage. To ensure you effectively measure candidate suitability in a fair and non-biased way, map out interview scorecards and assessment metrics for each hiring manager or interviewer. This is a key stage in the recruitment process, candidates who have a seamless journey through various interview stages are likely to be more engaged and interested in working for a business. Our expert teams support clients in ensuring they demonstrate an efficient and engaging candidate experience which allows them to successfully appoint new hires who have experienced lengthy and poorly structured interview processes elsewhere.
As always, salaries are a huge driving factor for candidates and in today’s market with fierce competition and an overwhelming number of job opportunities, candidates will be attracted to the most competitive salary, bonus and benefits packages. It is important for businesses to carry out annual salary reviews to establish market averages and ensure salary offerings and earning potential within the business are competitive across the TIC industry.
Candidates are seeking much more than a role and a salary, they consider the full package and value a business can bring them before making a decision to embark on their next job opportunity. Evaluate your current offering, do the employee benefits add value? Conduct research and surveys to better understand the most sought-after benefits that will engage and excite your existing employees, but also appeal to potential employees.
"60% of job seekers said that benefits and perks were a major factor in their decision to accept a job offer, with 80% of employees admitting they would choose additional benefits over a pay raise." Glassdoor
Having a diverse organisation can bring with it a wealth of benefits such as increased innovation and productivity, strong financial outcomes and greater success with talent attraction and retention. The best approach to support a diverse and inclusive hiring strategy is to firstly evaluate your workplace and culture, how inclusive is your work environment and do you consider the needs of all employee demographics? How diverse is your leadership team and those involved in the hiring process? Ensure you have up to date diversity policies and review your brand's messaging and transparency to ensure the business is perceived in a positive light, and that also reflects both internally and externally. When it comes to the recruitment process, make sure your job adverts are neutral and eliminate any potential bias throughout the hiring process.
If you’re keen to take steps to further enhance your hiring strategy with a focus on diversity and inclusion, please download our guide – How to create a diverse hiring strategy to attract top talent.
Engaging with a specialist Testing, Inspection and Certification recruitment partner is key to getting the best results with your hiring strategy in what is a highly competitive market. A Testing, Inspection and Certification recruitment specialist has in-depth knowledge of the Testing, Inspection and Certification industry, market movements, technical roles within and vast exposure to a wide range of global organisations who recruit for Testing, Inspection and Certification specific job roles. A Testing, Inspection and Certification recruitment partner can work effectively as an extension of your business, selling opportunities in the best way to attract talent. Not only this, but a Testing, Inspection and Certification recruitment expert will also be able to access large talent pools of candidates, many of which are not active on the market. Not only will a specialist recruiter support you on recruitment campaigns of live vacancies, but they can also effectively build talent pipelines, market research and talent population surveys to obtain in-depth information on the market for future resource planning.
At CSG Talent, our Testing, Inspection and Certification recruitment team support businesses around the globe with their talent attraction and hiring strategy, effectively overcoming market challenges to ensure clients meet their headcount goals. Explore our latest Testing, Inspection and Certification jobs, or meet our expert Testing, Inspection and Certification recruitment team by clicking here. To find out more about the way work in partnership with our clients, click here to see a recent case study.
Keen to enhance your overall hiring strategy and experience success with your talent attraction? Download our guide – How to create an effective hiring strategy.