Solar : renewable-energy Wind : renewable-energy Clean Tech : renewable-energy Agriculture : natural-resources Mining Minerals and Metals : natural-resources Chemicals : natural-resources Maritime : industrial-and-engineering HVAC/R : industrial-and-engineering Industrial Automation : industrial-and-engineering Testing Inspection & Certification : industrial-and-engineering Industrial Engineering : industrial-and-engineering Life Science : health-sciences Diagnostics : health-sciences Medical Devices : health-sciences Data Centres and Electronics : technology SaaS : technology Aerospace and Defense : technology Construction : building-infrastructure Construction Equipment : building-infrastructure Civil Engineering : building-infrastructure Architecture : building-infrastructure Building Materials : building-infrastructure Facilities Management : building-infrastructure Food & Beverage : consumer Retail : consumer Consumer Packaged Goods : consumer Business Process Outsourcing : technology Renewable Energy : Natural Resources : Industrial and Engineering : Health Sciences : Technology : Building Infrastructure : Consumer : Water : natural-resources Battery Materials : natural-resources Future Mobility : technology

Sam Harris

Renewable Energy Specialist

  • Industry: Renewable Energy, Solar, Clean Tech, Natural Resources
  • Regions covered:

Sam is an experienced Business Consultant operating in the Renewable Energy space with a specialist focus on Renewable Equipment Manufacturing. He works with a diverse range of business from innovative start ups to large multinationals, recruiting for various roles including, Account Managers, Sales Managers, Service Engineers, Product Managers and Sales Directors. 

Sam has cultivated a deep understanding of the Renewable Energy sector and is committed to continually developing his expertise to effectively provide clients with personalised recruitment solutions to facilitate organisational growth. He has established long-term partnerships with candidates guiding them through a smooth transition process and ensuring they land roles that are aligned their aspirations and values.

“I’m invested in building long term relationships with both my clients and candidates. I feel immense satisfaction seeing long term clients continue to grow and succeed, often with candidates I have placed driving them forwards.”
