Solar : renewable-energy Wind : renewable-energy Clean Tech : renewable-energy Agriculture : natural-resources Mining Minerals and Metals : natural-resources Chemicals : natural-resources Maritime : industrial-and-engineering HVAC/R : industrial-and-engineering Industrial Automation : industrial-and-engineering Testing Inspection & Certification : industrial-and-engineering Industrial Engineering : industrial-and-engineering Life Science : health-sciences Diagnostics : health-sciences Medical Devices : health-sciences Data Centres and Electronics : technology SaaS : technology Aerospace and Defense : technology Construction : building-infrastructure Construction Equipment : building-infrastructure Civil Engineering : building-infrastructure Architecture : building-infrastructure Building Materials : building-infrastructure Facilities Management : building-infrastructure Food & Beverage : consumer Retail : consumer Consumer Packaged Goods : consumer Business Process Outsourcing : technology Renewable Energy : Natural Resources : Industrial and Engineering : Health Sciences : Technology : Building Infrastructure : Consumer : Water : natural-resources Battery Materials : natural-resources Future Mobility : technology

David Macdonald

Federal Technology Specialist

  • Industry: Aerospace and Defense
  • Regions covered:

David is a vastly experienced Senior Consultant with a specific focus on Federal Technology.

He is highly skilled as a senior level headhunter and search consultant, with proven success in filling niche roles. David’s role covers all aspects of federal consulting, from fast-turn projects, digital, web software development, cyber security projects and cleared positions. David boasts an in-depth understanding of cleared positions and Security Clearances such as Public Trust, DOD Secret, DHS Secret, Top Secret, Top Secret/SCI, Top-Secret SCI Poly Clearances.

The type of roles David recruits for include Program Management, Solutions/Enterprise Architects, Systems Engineering, Modelling & Simulation, Satellite Communication, Network Engineering, Software Engineering, Cyber Security, AWS, Information Technology, and Business Development.

David has a Business Management degree from the University of Northumbria at Newcastle, and is a highly motivated, driven and passionate senior recruiter.

“I love the industry I specialise in as it’s fast-paced and exciting. I will never tire of listening to candidates talk about their work and I feel incredibly honoured to work with the clients I’m engaged with. I will always strive to meet the needs of both my candidates and clients, and I won’t give up until the job is done. Their satisfaction is my only goal.”

If you are looking for industry-leading talent to help grow your company or are looking to explore a progressive career move within the federal technology sector, please contact David: +44 (0)113 416 6424 or email
